Carolina Kostner, Italy, Figure Skating

A multiple world champion ice skater at only 27 years old, this Italian is also very impressive off the ice! She speaks 5 languages and attends classes at the University of Turin. For those of us who are us hot blooded young men, she also occasionally lets a slip out.
c6 Italia Carolina Kostner poses with the m SPETTACOLO "WINX ON ICE" CON CAROLINA KOSTNER c9 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 c16 carolina-kostner-373-1920x1080 (1) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA c2 c3 Carolina Kostner c5

One thought on “Carolina Kostner, Italy, Figure Skating”

  1. Carolina has in recent years has worn some very sexy figure skating costumes!

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