All posts by olympicgirls

Zsuzsanna Jakabos, the Hungarian swimmer that freestyled into our hearts

Looks like we missed this Hungarian beauty the last few times around. At only age 25, she’s already competed three times in the Summer Olympics for her country! This fighter isn’t giving up in her quest for gold, however: she recently got shoulder surgery, and is focused on getting ready for 2016 in Rio. Best of luck, and don’t neglect your modeling career!



Sabina Altynbekova, possibly the hottest volleyball player in the world

Whoa! Hailing from Kazakhstan (and certain not our first Kazakh beauty on this site), Sabina Altynbekova took the world by storm when she appeared in Taipei at the Asian Junior Women’s Volleyball Championship. According to a Taiwanese news service, she stands at 5’11”, is 17 years young, having been born November 6, 1996, and she’s single!



Meet Kacy Catanzaro, the hottest ninja ever

Sure, she’s not an Olympian per se, but as far as we’re concerned, the 5 foot 110lb competitor epitomizes everything that we love about hot Olympic athletes. In a pint size! If you haven’t yet seen her run in American Ninja Warrior, set some time aside and be prepared to fall in love:

Still on the fence? First, what’s wrong with you? But just for insurance, check out our gallery of the 2012 NCAA Southeast Regional Gymnast of the Year below!

Gold Medalist Mikaela Shiffrin dazzles in her radio debut on NPR’s Wait, Wait!

We liked skier Mikaela Shiffrin before, but we love her now. The 19-year gold medalist in sllam in Sochi appeared on NPR’s hilarious weekly news quiz show Wait Wait … don’t tell me, playing in the dial in “Not My Job” segment. You can listen to the audio or read the transcript here. In it, she reveals that at the top of her mind when she’s got the whole worlds’ eyes on her, she’s worried about her hair and that her bodysuit makes her feel naked! If you haven’t listened to Wait Wait before, it’s a side splitting funny radio show that you can stream online or listen to via your favorite podcast player.

In the meantime, check out some pics of this gold medalist hottie!

[Listen to the audio for Mikaela’s segment here.]

Hilary Knight, USA hockey player, takes it all off!

What could be better than sexy Hilary Knight? How about pictures of sexy Hilary Knight, sans clothing? That’s what we thought. Here you go – pictures from her recent nude spread!

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Jamie Anderson, American snowboarder, bares all

Christmas came early this year! Jamie Anderson, one of our favorite hot snowboarders, poses nude for her fans.



More pics after the jump!

Continue reading Jamie Anderson, American snowboarder, bares all

Hope Solo, now tied for first place for favorite USA goalkeeper

Like other Americans, we find it hard not to love Tim Howard after his epic performance in USA’s knockout game against Belgium. Still, it’s clear that our girl Hope looks better in a sports bra. Without question. We know, we know, she got in some trouble recently. Still, we stick to our guns. We loved her before, and we still love her now. Did we mention that this girl likes to party?

Check out our new pics. A lot has happened since our last post, and we’re here to make sure you get the goods.

Adelina Sotnikova, Russia, Figure Skating

This talented beauty has taken the Ice Skate world by storm, gaining medals in several world class competitions, winning the Russian Championship 4 times outright and capping it off by winning Gold at Sochi 2014… all at the tender age of 17… Many claim that Adelina will be the one to de-throne “Queen” Yuna!


Sarah Hendrickson, USA, Ski Jump

Sarah has the distinction of being the first woman to compete in the Ski Jump event at the Olympics! This young 19 year old from Salt Lake City, Utah stands proud for the US of A.



Elena Ilinykh, Russia, Ice Dancing

Winning Bronze for Ice Dance with her partner Nikita Katsalapov and Gold for the Team event, this 19 year old is off to an amazing career. Being in the shadow of teammate Adelina Sotnikova doesn’t help but it just might be the thing to keep out of the spotlight!